Wushu Camp 2011 comes to a close!

Thanks to Mrs. Duong for putting together this great video from Wushu camp’s class at Diablo Gymnastics on Saturday. It looks like everyone had a blast!


Warm Up:
2 times:
400M Run
10 Pass through with staff
10 Scorpions
10 Push Ups with hand release
10 Straight leg kicks
10 Triple Kicks
Inchworms up and down mat
Broad jumps up and down mat

50 Horse Stance Squats with medicine ball throw
50 Power Punches on the bag (1/2 with each arm)
50 V Ups
40 Horse Stance Squats with medicine ball throw
40 Punches on the bag (1/2 with each arm)
40 V Ups
30 Horse Stance Squats with medicine ball throw
30 Punches on the bag (1/2 with each arm)
30 V Ups
20 Horse Stance Squats with medicine ball throw
20 Punches on the bag (1/2 with each arm)
20 V Ups
10 Horse Stance Squats with medicine ball throw
10 Punches on the bag (1/2 with each arm)
10 V Ups

Warm Down:
5 minutes ball torture – everywhere