The Happiest Man Alive

The happiest man alive…Wouldn’t you love people to give you that title? With the visualization as a lead in to meditation that we did last night in the instructor’s class, I thought this video was a great addition. This Buddhist monk, who has been called “The happiest man alive”, Talks about meditation and positive thinking. One of my favorite parts of his talk is when he says, “at first nothing comes, in the middle nothing stays, and at the end nothing goes”. Listen to that piece of his talk and think about how it relates to your bok fu do training.

The Happiest Man Alive Talks About Meditation and Mood


Warm Up:

2 times:

10 Samson Stretch

10 Pass through with staff

50 Jump Rope Jumps

25 Double Unders

30 seconds Broken Bow Jumps

30 seconds Horse Stance Squats

30 seconds V Ups

30 seconds Push Ups


AMRAP 15 Minutes

2 Handstand Push Ups (or clapping push ups as substitute)

4 Ninja Pistols (2 each leg)

6 Horse Stance Squat Jumps with medicine ball

8 Box Jumps (or step ups)

Warm Down:

5 minutes belt stretching for hamstrings