Our new friends at East West San Ramon

Have you met our new friends at the san ramon school yet? They have been hanging out with us on our front lawn for the past week!

12 tools to help you reach your health and fitness goals. does anyone want to try one of these? some of them look interesting…


Warm Up:

2 times:

50 mountain climbers

10 pass through with staff

5 inchworms

10 scorpions

5 drop stance/hardbow/crane

10 push ups

5 horse stance squat jumps

10 hardbow/broken bow lunges


20 seconds on, 10 second rest – 4 times each

Bok Fu Burpees

Back Up to V Ups

Broken Bow Jumps

Ninja Pistols (alternate legs)

Push Up Plank

Horse Stance Bottom Squats (your horse stance squat starts in the horse stance position and 1 rep is up and then back down. your 10 second rest will be in the horse stance position.)

Warm Down:

5 minutes ball torture for shoulders/ quads