You're Not So Special….

Some of our usa team hopefuls after a 5.5 mile run with workouts along the way! they did a fantastic job and are getting ready for the nationals at the end of july!

This is a great time of year for fantastic fruits and vegetables! here is a good list of what produce you can expect in what months. What’s in season

Interesting commencement speech. not a typical one, but there are a lot of good points in here and things to think about. you’re not so special


Warm Up:

1 minute run in place (10 second jog/10 second sprint)

10 forward snap kicks each leg

10 rear kicks each leg

10 wheel kicks each leg

straight leg kicks up and down mat

advanced/reverse crescent straight leg kicks up and down mat

inchworms up and down mat

hardbow/broken bow lunges up and down mat


AMRAP 5 minutes

5 Clapping Push Ups

10 V Ups

rest 2 minutes

AMRAP 5 minutes

5 Bok Fu Burpees

10 Chicken Lunges

Warm Down:

5 minutes of techniques slow motion