Thank You Gift Wrapping Elves!

A huge thank you to everyone that came down to east west on Sunday to help wrap a total of 58 gifts for the children of both the Pittsburg family shelter and the lyle morris family shelter. Our amazing elves were Mrs. Silverman, Mrs. Ogata, Mrs. Fitzsimmons, Mrs. Poon, Ms. Winder, Mrs. Duong, Mrs. Zipkin, Mrs. Evangelist, Ms. Silverman, Irene, Miss Ella and Miss Audrey cornflour! the children’s faces are going to light up on Saturday when they see all of these beautiful gifts!

Are the holidays a stressful time of the year for you? if so, you’re like a lot of people and hopefully this holiday simplicity guide will help you get back to the true meaning of the holidays! holiday simplicity guide

So many exciting things going on at east west this week! Grandmaster huang will be here on friday teaching seminars all weekend. Don’t miss them! there’s still time to sign up. Saturday is also our annual holiday party for shelter inc. There will be no classes at any of the schools that day, but please join us in Alamo at 11:00am for our event!


Warm Up:

2 times:

1 Minute jogging in place

Straight Leg Kicks up and down mat

Inchworms up and down mat

Broad Jumps up and down mat

Hardbow/Broken Bow Lunges up and down mat

10 Scorpions



Horse Stance Squat Jump

Back Up to V Up

Push Ups with hand release

Sit Ups with Cross Punches

Tuck Jumps

Warm Down:

5 minutes partner stretching