12 Days Of Bok Fu Spirit – Coming December 20th!

It’s that time of year again!! 12 days of bok fu spirit will begin on december 20th. From that day on for the last 12 days of the month, we’re asking everyone in our east west community To join us and do one act of kindness every day until the end of 2012. By showing kindness and giving to others, we gain so much more than what we give. Your acts of kindness don’t have to be big, even the smallest act will make a huge difference. Will you join us?

now, here’s how you participate. Every day during the 12 days, I’ll personally be posting my act of kindness here on our bokfudo daily blog. We’ll have special guest posts throughout the 12 days as well. All you need to do to take part is leave a comment with your act of kindness for that day.

We really hope that you’ll join us for the 12 days of bok fu spirit! imagine, if all of our students were to take part, there would be an amazing amount of kindness spread throughout our small community.