Say "Thank You"!

We have a ups delivery man that has delivered packages to the Alamo school about 3 times a week for the past 5 years or more . His name is Joseph and he is really a wonderful guy. Every time he walks into the school his energy and spirit light up the room! i decided to give him an east west Bok Fu Do sweatshirt as a thank you for all of his hard work. More importantly, I said “thank you” and told him how much we appreciated him. You could tell he was truly touched!

You can probably tell which decades you grew up in based on the toys from this list that you were hoping were under the tree at Christmas!


Tomorrow morning we will be doing a BFF workout called “12 days of Bok Fu Christmas”. To keep it a fun surprise for those coming to the class, I won’t post the workout until tomorrow’s blog! Once it’s posted, I encourage you to try it for yourself!