New Year, New Friend

Here is our first new entry in our food for thought section. Ms. Dominguez will be giving you informative articles/posts periodically related to the foods you put into your body.

Meet andi!

If you have shopped at whole foods, you may have seen small signs next to various products with  “ANDI Score” and a number written on them. ANDI stands for “Aggregate Nutrient Density Index”, and it is a food scoring system that  rates the nutrient density of a food on a scale from 1 to 1000 based on nutrient content which are calculated by evaluating an extensive range of micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and antioxidant capacities. In other words, a higher ANDI score equals a healthier food option.

You can follow this link to see a guide of high scoring foods.

And here’s a recipe that will easily give you an ANDI score of over 1000!

So here is a bonus assignment: The person who posts the highest score for eating foods that score high on the ANDI list in a single day will get an exciting mystery prize!

Your score must be submitted by next Monday, January 17th.

Happy Eating!

Ms. Dominguez


Warm Up:

5 minute warm up routine

2 times:

5 Broad Jumps

10 Horse Stance Squat

10 Straight Leg Kicks


AMRAP 10 Minutes:

15 Horse Stance Squat Jumps

15 Tuck Jumps

15 Chicken Lunges

15 Broken Bow Jumps

15 Jump Rope Jumps (add 5 Bok Fu Burpees to the end of your workout for each time you stop jumping)

Warm Down:

5 Minutes Belt Stretching for hamstrings

2 Minutes Horse Stance Stretch