Loved Twice

Whenever our entire family is out at a restaurant together, my parents always insist on paying for the meal. On Tuesday, we were all out at lunch and rather than arguing about it, I got the bill from the waitress and paid before they could say a word. It was just a small gesture as a thank you to my parents. My dad enjoyed it so much that he said we could pay for every meal from here on out.

A bay area mom and her organization, loved twice, making a difference and it all started with one act of kindness.



Warm Up:
2 times
10 Pass through with staff
10 Scorpions
10 inchworms
10 Push Ups with hand release
10 Horse Stance Squats

AMRAP 8 minutes
3 Bok Fu Burpees
3 Double Unders (or single jump and tuck jump as a substitution)
6 Bok Fu Burpees
6 Double Unders
9 Bok Fu Burpees
9 Double Unders
12 Bok Fu Burpees
12 Double Unders
Add 3 more and continue this pattern each time if you make it past 12. So next would be 15, then 18….

Warm Down:
partner stretching