Let's get 2011 started right!

Goodbye holiday season and hello 2011! as we welcome in the new decade, hopefully you have had a chance to set some goals for the new year, both personally and in bok fu do. Feel free to post them to comments or to talk to your personal trainer. Verbalizing your goals or writing them down are great ways to stay committed. It’s time to get back to bok fu do training, to work off all that holiday excess and reinvigorate ourselves! looking forward to seeing everyone at the schools tomorrow!


For those of you that are new to our blog, there will be daily posts of our bok fu fitness (bff) workouts. Starting Monday, we’ll have BFF classes in each of the schools. I hope that you will join us for those group workouts, but if you can’t make it, you’re welcome to do these on your own.

Warm Up:

5 minute warm up routine

2 times:

Drop stance/ Hardbow/ Crane stance up and down mat

Straight leg kicks up and down mat

Advanced/ Reverse crescent straight leg kicks up and down mat

Inch worms up and down mat


3 Rounds

1 minute max horse stance squat (advanced holding medicine ball with arms straight)

1 minute max Tuck Jump

1 minute max Sit Ups with cross punches

1 minute max Chicken Lunges

1 minute max Bok Fu Burpee

1 minute rest between rounds

Warm Down:

\Hamstring partner stretch

Side Kick partner stretch

Samson partner stretch