Good chi and prayers for those in Boston

When tragedy strikes, there is always a huge range of emotions that we feel. From sadness to anger and frustration, it is only natural to have an emotional reaction. With the explosions at the Boston marathon yesterday, it is easy to question humanity and wonder how such an atrocity is possible. As we mourn for the lost lives, pray for the families, and hope for a speedy recovery for all those injured, it can give us relief to think about the amazing heroes that emerged from the tragedy. First responders rushed to the aid of those injured without regard for their own lives and the threat of danger. Marathon runners continue running straight to mass general hospital to donate blood for those in need. people all throughout Boston are opening up their homes to those that have been displaced because of the bombings. Kindness and compassion are everywhere, even in the face of great evil. one of the greatest things that bok fu do teaches us is the art of kindness. You may think your kung fu skills would not be useful against a bomb, but the inner traits that you have developed through your training such as kindness, compassion and the ability to face your fears and persevere, are much more powerful than you could imagine. let's move forward with a renewed sense of compassion for all of humanity and remind ourselves of the strength of the human spirit!

Inspiring images from boston

Runner's unite: wear blue and yellow


Warm Up:

Straight leg kicks up mat

10 Horse stance squats

Advanced Reverse straight leg kicks down mat

10 Chicken Lunges

Inchworms up mat

10 Sit Ups with cross punches

High Knees down mat

10 Scorpions


Tabata – 20 seconds on 10 seconds rest – 8 times

Broken Bow JumpsWarm Down:

V Ups

Push Ups with Hand Release

Bottom Horse Stance Squats (rest at the bottom in the horse stance position)

5 minutes belt stretching