Destroy Yesterday

One of my favorite things about our journey through bok fu do is how the system constantly pushes us past our self made limitations. We are always trying to be better today than we were yesterday, and we know that we’ll do the same tomorrow. When i saw this video below, “destroy yesterday”, it reminded me of our daily toils in bok fu do. We destroy our past restrictive beliefs of yesterday and we destroy our challenges of yesterday. Enjoy the video and make sure you work today on destroying yesterday!


Warm Up:

5 minutes jump rope

20 seconds jogging place, 10 seconds sprint in place – 8 times

20 seconds V Up hold, 10 seconds rest – 8 times

1 form from your belt all out

10 techniques from your belt all out


AMRAP 12 Minutes

10 Double Unders (or 10 Single Jumps and 10 Tuck Jumps)

10 Push Ups (advanced clapping push ups)

10 Horse Stance Squat Jumps (advanced holding medicine ball)

Warm Down:

5 minutes partner stretching for hamstring and hips