The Day of Cusack has arrived!

Join us Saturday, October 22nd at 2:00 pm at East West Kung Fu – Alamo for Mr. Cusack’s Black Belt presentation! Wednesday night Mr. Cusack finished his black belt testing process and now the official date of his presentation has been announced. Don’t miss this event! black belt presentations are rare and important events at the east west schools. Mr. Cusack has been working for 12 1/2 years for this day. Join him as we celebrate his incredible accomplishment!


Warm Up:
10 Inchworms
10 Broad Jumps
10 Scorpions
10 Back Ups
20 seconds on 10 seconds off – 4 times
Mountain climbers
Tuck Jumps
Broken Bow Jumps
Speed Punches

AMRAP 10 Minutes
16 Broken Bow Jumps
8 Push Ups with Hand Release
4 Horse Stance Squat Jumps
2 Navy Seal Ups

Warm Down:
5 minutes ball torture