Holiday Party for Shelter Inc.!

Today was a very special day at East West! Since 1967, we've held a holiday party for underprivileged children and gave them a holiday that they wouldn't have had otherwise. For the past few years, we've been working with Shelter Inc. They are a wonderful organization and we are so glad that we are able to help them in a small way. Thanks to the amazing generosity of our East West community, we were able to provide presents for more than 60 children, a fantastic meal for all the families and even send food back to the emergency shelter for those that were unable to make it to our event! A special thank you to Mrs. Silverman, Ms. Ellett and Mrs. Poon, who all put an incredible effort into the planning of this event. An event like this reminds us what a wonderful organization we have with some of the most caring and generous people around. Thank you to everyone that took part in the day, whether big or small contributions. We wouldn't be able to put on this event each year without our incredible community!