East west sparring tournament!

A happy and tired group of kids after Junior Dragon Sparring class in Alamo on Monday night! We’re looking forward to having them all at our annual Sparring Tournament on March 8th!

Reminder that we will be holding a Beginning Nunchucks Seminar this Saturday at the San Ramon School from 12:15 to 1:30pm. This seminar is open to all students of all ranks and ages!

Top 10 Martial Arts Move You Should Never Try

Bok Fu Fitness
Warm Up:
2 times:
Straight leg kicks up and down the mat
High Knees up and down the mat
Inchworms up and down the mat

3 Rounds for time:
15 Bok Fu Burpees
30 Sit Ups off the Box (if you don’t have a box, do 30 back up to V up)
45 Horse Stance Squats with Medicine Ball Throw
60 Mountain Climbers

Rest 1 minute

3 rounds:
1 minute max rep Push Ups
1 minute max rep Tuck Jumps
1 minute rest

Warm Down:
5 minutes of slow practice of forms from your belt