4th Day of 12 Days of Bok Fu Spirit – The Kindness Scientist

For my 3rd act of kindness yesterday, i made a Christmas package for my 90 year old neighbor and her little dog. She is just about the sweetest lady in the world and i always love getting to see her most morning when she leaves to take sassy for a walk. Since she lives alone, it’s important to us to check in on her and see how she’s doing. The Christmas package was just a little way for us to tell her that we’re thinking of her and wishing her a wonderful holiday season!

I stumbled upon this video which lead me to read more about the greater good: the science of a meaningful life, which is a center based in our own backyard at uc Berkeley! check them out when you have time. Their website and blog, raising happiness, have some really interesting and thought provoking articles about “fostering a thriving, resilient and compassionate society.” they have a fantastic concept and seem to be doing amazing things for the world.