DIY #28 – Work Hard This Week!

Great job this morning! That was a tough one and you all did fantastic. If I would have given you that workout 9 weeks ago, I don’t know how many of you would have made it through. Here are some pictures from the workout! Next Sunday is our final BFF of the session. Work hard this week, I’d love to see you all make huge improvements in your numbers from our first workout!

Warm Up:
3 times
High knees up and down mat
10 Body Crashers (partner holds feet and crash slowly forward)
10 shooters (if you don’t have paralettes, do 10 push ups to 10 dips)
Broad Jumps up and down mat

5 Rounds for time
400M Run
10 Bok Fu Burpees
20 Wheel Kick Balance (each leg)
10 Hardbow/ Broken Bow lunges (with medicine ball overhead)
20 Chicken Lunges

Warm Down:
5 minutes Ball Torture for shoulders
5 minutes on the foam roller for hips and quads